Movie Review: Food, Inc. By Eric Schlosser

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Over the past 50 years, there has been a major change in the food production industry. Unlike many years ago when people used to get their food right from the farm; fresh and purely organic, nowadays most people in America rely on processed industrial food, but do these consumers know the truth behind the processed food? In the movie documentary titled Food, Inc., which was directed by renowned director Robert Kenner, author Eric Schlosser explores the facts and secrets behind the food industry. This paper will review the video documentary by giving a brief summary of the movie; a five point discussion on the important issues it raises; a personal evaluation of the movie and lastly examples on how I can apply its ideas in my lifestyle.
Like no other ordinary documentary, Food, Inc. explores the reality behind one of the most controversial part of the human lifestyle; food. The movie starts with the author, Eric Schlosser showing some of the more than 47,000 food brands in a regular supermarket. It’s here that it is revealed that food production has changed from years ago when food was acquired from privately owned farms growing fresh produce, whereas in the current market, food is processed in industries (Food, Inc., 2008). In fact, it is revealed in the film that the American food industry is …show more content…

One would be shocked to discover that chicken are raised in half the normal growth time as they were used to 50 years ago, but end up growing twice as big. Having realized people love white meat, companies like Tyson decided to redesign chicken to have big breasts. All this is at the health expense of the consumers (Food, Inc., 2008). The price might be cheaper and quantity relatively higher, but the health implications are a major cause for concern. Redesigning chicken and inducing their growth is done by the use of various steroid drugs that can remain in the chicken’s body and ingested by

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