Flamingo Tongue Snail Research Paper

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The Flamingo Tongue snail is common on many Caribbean and Atlantic coral

reefs. It feeds on toxic sea fans and it is designed to eat the flesh of

gorgonians(including the sea fan.)

The scientific name of the Flamingo Tongue snail is Cyphoma gibbosum, and

they belong to the phylum Mollusca, that contains octopus and oysters.

"Flamingo-Tongue Snail.” Flamingo -Tongue Snail. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Dec. 2015.

The author of the source states that the snail is specialized in eating gorgonians since

they have a rasp-like tongue (called radula) to scrape away the coral tissue and they

live on these sea fans. They leave behind the gorgonian skeletons and the tongue

never graze their food to death. Sometimes they leave their current gorgonian …show more content…

The snail deposits the chemicals in its flamboyant/colorful mantle (soft

skin that extends from its foot to cover the shell). The Flamingo Tongue Snail stores

the venom in its tissues to protect the itself from predators. The snail do that because

it makes them have its unpleasant taste so that predators would stay away from them. The shell of the snail is actually white and the striking color pattern is produced

by the living animal inside. The Flamingo Tongue Snail actually have the shell inside

the skin, since the skin covers the shell. "Flamingo Tongue Snail." Science. N.p., n.d.

Web. 16 Dec. 2015. According to the site, these gastropods’ (mollusks like snails) skin

helps the snail absorb oxygen, release carbon dioxide, and incorporates the toxins

from its food. Shell collectors often get attracted to the color patterns the snail has, but

when they kill the snails to get the shell, the shell is actually white.

In conclusion, the Flamingo Tongue snail feeds on gorgonians. The snail eats

them to absorb the toxic to protect themselves from their predators. Moreover, the

snail has a skin that covers the shell to make it

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