Essay On D-Day Deception

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The deception operation of D-Day was an endeavor that ensured the victory of World War II with the greatest seaborne invasion force the world has ever known. By this time in 1944, Hitler’s forces had gained all of Europe and began to invade Russia. The invasion of D-Day was the decisive battle for the Allies to liberate Europe by creating the second front. The Germans expected this invasion. However, the idea of deception from the Allies was to make the Germans believe the Allies were taking the shortest distance to Pas de Calais when they were truly landing along the Normandy beaches. “Operation Overlord” landed a physical and psychological blow in which the Germans would never recover.
The amphibious landing along the beaches of Normandy …show more content…

Winston Churchill once said, “In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies.” In order to successfully complete such a risky undertaking, “Operation Overlord” had it’s own deception plan known as “Bodyguard1.” Franklin Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, and Joseph Stalin first approved the outline for this plan at the Tehran conference in November 1943. Being one of the most complex schemes ever attempted, the plan was layered in five-folds of deception: Ferdinand, Vendetta, Ironside, Zeppelin, and Fortitude. The first component Ferdinand was a false invasion into the Mediterranean near Italy to convince the Germans that the Allies would make a secondary invasion into the Balkans or Southern France. Vendetta was another fabricated invasion of Southern France in which the Allies created a convincing threat for a second landing to occur within a week prior to D-Day. At this time, the Allies truly had intended on landing in Southern France known as “Operation Dragoon”. Once the Germans believed the threat of invasion, they would then be persuaded that it was all a fraudulent ploy so that they would strip away troops to support the fighting further North in time for the real landings. However, when the transfer of troops from North Africa to Italy blew the cover plan, the U.S. decided to make the real secondary landing in …show more content…

The deception combined with the capitalist power technology is what allowed America to successfully invade against such unfavorable circumstances. However in the initial landing, it was the valor of the soldiers who surged in first that day. Allied troops faced near certain death to become the first units ashore the beaches of Normandy. Nevertheless, once the Americans could establish a beachhead, they would be able to reduce fatalities when bringing more troops ashore. The Allies expanded the beachheads and by July 25th, they became strong enough to launch “Operation Cobra” to begin the liberation of France. Once the Allies had captured Normandy, they vastly expanded the duration and range of aerial attacks on Germany by launching bomber raids from Britain, Italy, and France. If the Allies had been unsuccessful in the invasion of Normandy, they would have potentially lost World War II. The invasion represented the cutting edge of making the Allies on the offensive and marked the beginning of an end. Through bravery, trickery, and small unit campaigns fighting side by side, the troops were able to successfully invade and liberate Europe in one of the most deceptively layered battles in the history of

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