Five Types Of Violence: The Significant Effects Of Domestic Violence

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Domestic violence is a form of verbal communication and it is a pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used by one person to maintain power and control over a partner, friend or family member. Domestic violence can be physical, emotional, financial, sexual, or spiritual (Domestic Violence, 2015). Domestic violence can happen to anyone regardless of color, age, gender or religion. Domestic violence includes rape, sexual assault, robbery, and aggravated and simple assault committed by intimate partners, immediate family members, or other relatives (Truman, 2015). Domestic violence doesn’t only affect those who are abused, but it also has a significant effect on family members and friends. Domestic violence most often affects …show more content…

Each type of abuse is different but each affects the victim tremendously. Physical Abuse is the use of physical force against another individual in such a way that ends up injuring the person. Emotional abuse is the most common type of abuse and it can be both verbal and nonverbal and it defined as verbal assault, humiliation, intimidation, or any treatment which may make a person feel worthless. Financial abuse is defined as withholding assets from a person or acquiring debt in their name. Sexual abuse is physical abuse any sort of any type non-consensual sexual contact. Spiritual Abuse is anything that comes in the way of you doing something or feeling good about yourself (Domestic Violence, …show more content…

These type of facilities are established to prevent and protect any further domestic violence. Theses non-profit agencies provides victims of domestic violence with safety, support, as well as awareness (Domestic violence shelters, 2016). Any woman who is suffering abuse can call any shelter for assistance and housings will be provided for both woman and children. If space isn’t immediately available at the shelter staff will work with you to find a host family for you to reside with until space is available at the shelter. Domestic violence shelters also provide counseling for abuses or battered woman and they often provide activities for children so that both mother and child can regain some type of normalcy in their

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