Fishing Research Paper

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People are encouraged to try fishing all across the United States, whether it be through friends or local events. The way I discovered fishing was through a local festival called the Best Friends Festival. It is an event for kids that takes place for a week in the summer, and one of the annual activities is fishing. I was a young child then, so I of course wanted to try everything I could in the summer. Although the Best Friends Festival does have a day for kids to fish, most kids seem to think that it would be boring. For this reason, the people that run the event do a giveaway to encourage kids to try something new. It was that first year that I tried fishing that I won a $40 fishing pole. I still have that pole to this day, and it happens to be my favorite one to fish with. The amazing part of fishing is that one doesn’t have to be ‘good’ at it. There is no true way to be good at fishing, due to the fact that different types of fish prefer different types of bait over others. It’s all just an experiment to see what one can catch, whether they strike it big or not. In the state of Virginia, there are very simple requirements to fish legally. All one must do is present an ID at the Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) and ask for a fishing license.

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