Fish Monologue

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The only sound filling the young boy’s ears is the distant chorus of seagulls yearning for their next meal. He opens his eyes; the sunlight blinding him for a brief moment. Once his sight was restored, he stared at the crystal blue sea longingly. Dead calm, there wasn’t a ripple to be seen. The normal repetitive lapping of water against the tin boat was non-existent. Thoughts floated around his mind, never at rest.
Beneath the surface is a different world. Tranquil and untouched yet filled with life. Everything is forgotten as the boy lives in the moment, appreciating his surroundings. A countless number of Blue Cod pass by, seemingly oblivious to him. A forests of green seaweed serves as a home to many of the smaller fish. Bright colours …show more content…

It is messy and overgrown; protruding from his wetsuit hood. He has a tall and broad figure which stretches his wetsuit tight. He is only 16; his looks surpassing his age. Although this is not his first time diving, to him the sensation of breathing underwater is magnificent. Being several metres below the surface is hard to describe. Surrounded by beautiful fish and plants; truly breath-taking. He is at ease in the water and feels part of the environment in the underwater world.
Red crayfish shelter under huge boulders and in small crevasses, aware of the looming danger. As the boy reaches in, the regulator is knocked from his mouth. His blue eyes spread wide portraying his panic. He desperately grapples in the empty space above his shoulder for the air tube. The first breath of air is hesitant, ensuring he doesn’t gulp down a mouthful of salt water. Through the disturbed dust of the ocean floor he can see his dive buddy laughing in hysterics.
There is very little sound underwater. Occasionally you can hear the cries of your dive buddy celebrating his catch. On this occasion the boy was diving with his best friend meaning there is no need for verbal communication. Intentions and emotions are presented by hand signals and facial

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