First Lines Of The Aeneid

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The first lines of the Aeneid introduce Aeneas and state that his actions led to the high walls of Rome (981). After doing further research, I have found that these lines offer deeper meaning and a rich history of the founding of Rome. Aeneas' impact begins when he leaves the coast of Troy to find a city overseas, as commanded by Hector in a vision (Encyclopedia Brittanica). This city would be called Lavinium, named after Aeneas' wife, Lavinia (981). The founding of this city would not be easy, however. Aeneas faced many challenges from the gods. such as the storm sent by Aeolus in book one; "Down as they crash on the sea, the Eastwind, Southwind, all as one with the Southwest's squalls in hot pursuit, heaving up from the ocean depths huge

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