First Day Narrative

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Take it from me - getting lost on your first day of work is not fun. It’s even less fun if it’s at your first job ever, like it is for many of the new hires to Dutch Wonderland. Three long summers ago, I was one of those new hires. I was 14. It was the summer before I started high school, and I’d never worked a day in my life. Shaky and unsure, I left behind the comfort of my mom’s minivan and pulled open the ominous glass door into the unknown. The two orientations prior to that day hadn’t prepared me for what I was walking into. It’s about time someone told you what’s really to come working at the “Kingdom for Kids.” Having a good first day starts long before you walk into the building. It’s important to make sure your uniform follows all …show more content…

Tell him you need a locker, and he will give you a slip of paper with a locker number and a combination. Go into the bathroom/locker room and find the locker. Place your things in it and check to make sure you have nothing on you before clicking the lock shut. Then, go out to one of the sign in sheet by the door and fill out the information regarding your shift. After this, sit at one of the tables by the time clocks and wait until they turn to the exact time your shift starts. When it turns, type in your ID number and walk outside and into the …show more content…

Though it can be a bit boring at times, I’ve worked with some really nice people there, and I’ve met some wonderful children. It’s been extremely rewarding to be able to impact someone’s vacation. We’re not saving lives here at Dutch Wonderland, but we’re making our own little difference in the world. The look on a kid’s face when they win a game or get a toy they really wanted is something money can’t buy. If you work there enough though, you’ll have the money to buy a whole lot of other great things! Hope you have a dutchwonderful first

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