Finer Bag Business Ethics

889 Words2 Pages

Finer Bags
Honesty through deception

Jason Cavaliere
University of the People
March 2018 There has always been a certain price associated with high fashion, and a stigma that goes with it. With any high demand good or service, there will always be a certain level of competition and imitation, but is there an ethical boundary that should not be crossed? As the saying goes "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery" – but at what point does imitation become dishonesty? Finer Bags prides them selves on replica makes of high fashion items, but at a fraction of the cost. This paper will examine Finer Bags in detail, focusing on the ethical evaluation of their claim of making “perfect replica” imitations, and the implications this has in corporate culture. Finer Bags employs a questionable level of honesty at the corporate level. There are three aspects to this assessment: truth in advertising to your customers, the question of patent or trademark …show more content…

High fashion items have a very limited market - Finer Bags is not taking customers away from designers such as Louis Vuitton or Gucci. Therefore, a business model has been created to provide a good or service that is otherwise a non-starter for the masses. From a utilitarian perspective, the customer wins, the replica merchant wins, and yes, even the designer wins. While there is an argument to be made that it devalues these brands, it also acts as a form of free advertising for the designers. Most designers pay celebrities to wear their brands over other brands, both in day to day life and on special occasions. Business insiders Aly Weisman reported in 2015 (Weisman 2015) that it was the normal, but rarely discussed aspect of celebrity fashion that most celebrities undergo. Everyone wins, and while some at the designer’s corporate office may be upset, there is a greater number of people with a satisfied purchase to far outweigh the action in

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