Final Assessment: Animal Farm

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Animal Farm – Final Assessment

The character I have chosen to analyze is Napoleon. Napoleon, inspired by soviet leader Joseph Stalin, is Animal Farm’s corrupted and opportunistic dictator. During the course of the novel, Napoleon contributes greatly to the downfall of Animalism and its values, as well as Animal Farm itself. He does this through several actions. The first example of this is at page 10 of the book, where he appropriates the cows’ milk for himself and for the pigs. This violates the 7th commandment, ‘’All animals are equal’’. Throughout the novella, Napoleon goes on to break every established rule of Animalism, and has them changed to ones that suit his personal interest best. This is done slowly and carefully, going from simply receiving more rations than …show more content…

He goes on to wear clothes, sleep in a bed, drink alcohol, order animals to be killed, work with humans and even walk on his two hind legs, all forbidden rules that he changes to fit his new ideologies and his craving for more and more power. A fairly important moment of the book is at page 21, where he uses the dogs he had be training to chase Snowball out and to gain full power of the farm. This action, inspired by what happened to Trotsky in the USSR, firmly establishes Napoleon as dictator of Animal Farm. In conclusion, Napoleon’s search for power causes the destruction of Animalism, creating a separation between pigs and the other animals in the farm, as well as leaving the animals worse off than they were in Jones’ time. His actions lead to the disappearance of the values and ideologies previously established on the farm as

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