Similarities Between Waiting For Superman And Tow Shakespearians

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Film Responses to Waiting For Superman and The Hobart Shakespearians “Waiting for Superman” and “The Hobart Shakespearians”, Tow great eye-opening documentaries of the American public school system and the struggles in the lives of the students and their families. “Waiting for Superman” Featured students from America that have been negatively affected by the public school system. Each of these students and their families have great hardships to overcome yet have a strong will to succeed and a never give up attitude. It shows what they parents go through in making sure that their child has a good educations, from constantly trying to communicate with teachers and school officials that have no interest in helping them, entering Chartered …show more content…

The socialization process that began in the primary relationship with the parents continues with peers in play situations and in school. School institutionalizes cultural values and attitudes and is a significant contributor not only to the intellectual development of the child but, just as important, to the child’s social and emotional development” (Matsumoto, 2013) ‘No Child Left Behind’ is in fact, leaving millions of children behind. The problems with strong teacher’s union, and the school system, they are threatening out country’s future. Many students are dropping out of high school with no degree, no job skills, no self-esteem and no hope. They will wander the streets of American, predominantly its inner cities, and they will waste away. Many will have no choice but to commit crime and most of them will spend at least a portion of their lives in prison. This is why the parents in “Waiting for Superman” desperately searched, and still searching for the “right school” for their children. Although the film points out that the problem does not only affect minorities, it does predominantly affect poorer families. They cannot afford to send their kids to private schools. They cannot afford to send their children to specialists to test for learning disabilities and they cannot afford tutors on the off chance that their tenured teachers are not doing their jobs. They are far …show more content…

Esquith, I was a little wary about when learning about the special situation where the classroom was receiving an abnormal amount of assistance from the outside. An old student incorporating his lass into a non-profit where people donate large sums of money so that the class can go on exciting trips around the country, which allowed them to put on great programs and invite famous guests. For me, I feel like what we were seeing was a skewed view of the successes of education in a tough environment. I do understand that the class still made a difference in students’ lives and, love the way Mr. Esquith teaches his class but I feel like it would be more helpful to go into the system where there is a better way to see examples of urban schools that are considered more typical for their situation and how those teachers handled their classes besides getting large donations from other outside

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