Fewa Lake

997 Words2 Pages

Pleasant and unpleasant paragraphs:

“Being Closer To Nature at Fewa Lake.”
It is a small paradise. On a bright summer day, the sun reflects on the water as if there is a big ball of fire burning inside the lake. The forest surrounds the lake on all sides like a green blanket. The majestic mountains with fluffy snow catch the glimpse of the lake as blue as a sapphire. The little boy on the bank was continuously throwing pebbles into the clear water creating tiny ripples. The pair of swans was singing a lifetime melody of love and affection. The temple stood in the middle of the lake stretching its leg to hold itself against the water current. Two young people row their small blue boat occasionally dipping their legs in the cool water. The …show more content…

I chose a dump to begin with. Unpleasant smell fills up the environment. The stinky drainages flow like a river via pipes as big as a car unto the lake. People swarm like insects in the lake for boating making the place very crowded instead of peaceful. A weather can change anytime at Fewa Lake. The drizzle turns into a downpour in no time thrashing the tender leaves of trees. Every bolt is box of dynamite bursting and awakening distinct echoes on every side. Lightening streaks like gunfire through gray and gloomy clouds, volleys of thunder shake the air and the birds fly away to take shelter on their nests. The thirst of nature will be quenched but with a risk of …show more content…

To show the readers what I experienced, I tried my best to select the words that best fit my mood set by the statement of meaning. In my pleasant explanation, I discuss the raindrops as silver liquid drops. These words show the raindrops as beautiful and positive. On the other hand, in the negative description, the raindrops are hazardous as they thrash the tender leaves of the trees. This description emphasizes on raindrop can be catastrophic as well. I also describe the cloud in both paragraphs. The clouds are fleecy in the first paragraphs giving positive effect while they are gray and gloomy in the next paragraphs as a negative

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