Female Gender Role In Viramontes Under The Feet Of Jesus

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In the novel, Under the Feet of Jesus, (Viramontes) I have focused on the female gender role that Estrella and both Cleofilas face in different situations of their life in relation to labor. Estrella, is one of the main characters that I’m writing about. She learns quickly what hard labor really is. She learns at an early age of thirteen what female and male gender roles consist of. She works inside of her family’s homes by washing the dishes, looking after the children and then working out in the hot fields picking grapes for her and family to survive.
In the short story, “Women Hollering Creek,” (Cisneros) Cleofilas, grows up without her mother, and must learn how to become a woman from a show she is watching on television. AT first, Cleofilas …show more content…

What Viramontes and Cisneros have demonstrated in their writings is that; women take on a much-needed role, and the work that women do is tough, but we will get through it, if you stay strong and become the smiling lady on the raisin box. Estrella and Cleofilas have come to accept that they don’t get much for their hard labor. They both learned how society looks at immigrants from other countries. They both were looked down upon. Estrella works hard in the hot heat. She comes to realize that picking grapes doesn’t earn enough money, and it all depended on the piece rate of the grapes. Society turns around, eats the grapes and doesn’t think twice about how the grapes came to their mouths. When the society doesn’t think of the age or person that has picked the grapes. Cleofilas, must endure the hard labor of her husband’s temper and if she doesn’t take on both gender roles for example: housework, caring for her children, and the outside duties of the home, she suffers the consequences of her husband and the beatings. Juan Pedro, Cleofilas husband is just like society in this situation, he doesn’t think twice about laying a hand on his wife. Whereas, in Cleofilas situation, society doesn’t want to get involved and will place the incident “under the rug” they don’t want to be asked questions, by the husband or the

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