Fear In To Kill A Mockingbird

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WATR we fear things we can't control?
WATR we fear the things we can't control? This question came to me because in life I fear many things like time, life itself, friends, family, and many more. I know many people are going to say that being afraid of your friend and family is irrational, but I don't fear then because of whom they are but what they can do to me. This made me think about the story “To Kill a Mockingbird” because this book shows the life of two children that are brought up in a time of racism. It also shows that any white person that chooses to associate themselves with a dark colored person will be discriminated against. Jem and Scout are afraid for Atticus because of the case he is working on, also his life because Bob Ewell …show more content…

Every time they try and fail they always try harder and harder until things go their way. This book “To Kill a Mockingbird” reminds me of my life because no matter what we can't really control anything in our life and control is just a figment of our imagination. Many people believe that we have all the time in the world, but really we don't. My friend Sima once told me that everything that we do in our lifetime doesn't really matter because all were really doing is “killing time”. This got me thinking about us having a set date that is already planned for us. Maybe we already have a date that tells us you're going to die. Maybe everything that we do today, tomorrow, and every other day was already planned. Maybe everything really happens for a reason. If everything happens for a reason does that justify every sin or “wrong”? Does cheating on someone or something because you were destined to screw them over? Does using someone that has money to buy the things you can’t afford in life? Does using other people to benefit you for popularity or money the right thing to do? How does everyone believing that everything happens for a reason affect the universe? Or does the moral code still apply? One thing that confuses me greatly is what control exactly …show more content…

Or maybe being able to control the people that enter our lives because once we get attached we have no control on whether they want to stay or they want to leave. We feel that if we try to control people that come into our life because one person, one person fucked everything up for us. Now we feel that being emotionless and not show feelings is better than risking the chance of getting left or hurt. Can I assume that we all try to control things/ aspect of our lives because of the fear of getting hurt? Why are we scared of getting hurt? Is getting hurt always a bad thing? Can being hurt help us realize that the thing that puts us through the most pain doesn't deserve us that we should go and find something better? Can I assume that being hurt is a good and bad thing? Some people say that crying is a good thing because it washes away your eyes and makes you see everything in a new light. Why do we interpret crying as a weakness? I feel that when you cry it shows that you've been too strong for too long. If we don't let our emotions out then where does all the emotions go? Is it still inside of us? DO we try to ignore or deny our feelings because the consequences that we could face? When I talk to my friends and family I feel like I can't tell them what is really going on because I’m afraid that they won't be there for me and when I turn my back I turn my back they will

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