Fear In Lord Of The Flies Essay

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Fear is an emotion that is used by a few to manipulate the masses by creating obstacles to herd people like a shepherd controls his flock of sheep. Jack exploits the kid’s insecurities by creating a false sense of security from an internal conflict that embodies each of the boy’s vulnerabilities having to choose between Civilization and Savagery. The children's fears begin with a child’s nightmare then later manifests itself a symbol of fear used by Jack, soon following the boys completely change into violent murders who lack any civilization that is dominated by the beast. With each phase, the kids further and further ascend into savagery.

In William Golding's book, the “Lord of the flies” the beast is introduced as the first fear beginning as a mockery that the older kids just shrug off. “Ralph laughed, and the …show more content…

Ralph in an attempt to maintain control works with the Hunters to lead the group. During the expedition, a hog is stabbed by Ralph as he kills the swine with the spear, to his surprise obtains some bloodlust, this shows how Ralph; a symbol of civilization is becoming more barbaric “Ralph carried away by a sudden thick excitement. Grabbed Eric’s spear…” The fear of the beast is altering each of the boys at different paces. The fear the kids have for the beast is shown when they see distorted images of the dead parachutist, this blind image shows, how oblivious the boys have become to the beast that lies within themselves. The fear the kids possess transformed into the "beastie." Allowing them to justify actions committed without guilt like the murder of Simon a clear allegory for goodness. Golding depicts the beast as an internal conflict that causes them to stray from civilization and commit murder because the fear they

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