Fear Culture Essay

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Fear is the driving force in every culture. Humans are instinctually motivated to protect themselves, so anything that poses a threat or a disturbance to the norm will cause a great deal of reaction. In many ways, fear controls the world. It’s no surprise then, that America, one of the greediest and most powerful countries in the world, is experiencing a constant inner turmoil for the monopoly of fear culture. Corporations and political groups throughout America strive for the complete control of fear, and ultimately the control of fear’s hostages, the American people. This cannot be done by simply presenting something horrific (although some outlets proceed anyway, such as the many efforts to cease cigarette addiction through the inclusion …show more content…

Throughout the film, evidence of the culture of fear is very prevalent. We see news outlets spending 100% of their attention on 1% of the actual happenings, and of course, what’s chosen to be presented is extremely selective and heavily overemphasized. This is similar to if someone has a bad blemish, and it’s all they can see if they look in the mirror, when in reality, 99% of their skin is blemish free. The news takes a magnifying glass to that blemish, applies makeup and prosthetics to further mangle its image, and then lights it on fire. Only then will they actually begin to report about this blemish, while never forgetting to include their signature ignorance to every other detail. For the same reason someone might be afraid to get their picture taken during a bad breakout, the news has scared a majority of the American population from a countless number of things. Unlike a bad breakout, however, the news is an unrelenting force of never-ending fear culture nonsense that won’t vanish after a few applications of …show more content…

We see it on every form of media, and then we see its effects on everyone we know. Everyone feels that they need to be scared in order to be safe. “If we don’t watch the news, we won’t know what sort of sick, sadistic, and black killers are waiting for us outside our door. We won’t know if every piece of food in our kitchen was recalled for containing shards of vaccinated glass. We won’t know what sort of natural disaster or unstoppable Mad Cow Ebola infection is heading our way to burn us alive while we’re walking home from church. We won’t know what god to pray to incase that happens, because there won’t be anybody validating our views and patting us on the back for doing what’s right while everyone else continues to do what’s wrong. We won’t know if we should eat gluten free, if our cellphones are giving us cancer, if our pants are too tight, if videogames are killing our brain cells and turning us into murderous barbarians, if a celebrity is pregnant, if doctors are truly letting us die just because we are organ donors, if our neighbor is a pedophile, if that really is Jesus on a piece of toast, or if the things we use and wear are organic enough.” There isn’t a clear answer to solve this problem. The only thing to be done is to promote critical thought and analysis about the things people otherwise accept and make assumptions for, day in and day out. Search for unbiased sources of news that do not capitalize on fear to

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