Theme Of Loneliness In Faulkner's A Rose For Emily

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How many individuals allow the fear of loneliness overtake their whole lives? Life is fickle and most people will be a victim of circumstance at times. This is why “ A Rose for Emily” is such a great read because it allows readers to stop and analysis if they are the type of individuals which allow loneliness take over their own personal life’s. However, some people choose not to let circumstance rule them and, as they say, “time waits for no man”. Faulkner’s Emily did not have the individual confidence, or maybe self-esteem and self-worth, to believe that she could stand-alone and succeed at life especially in the face of changing times. As a mater of fact, she had always been ruled by, and depended on, men to protect, defend and act for her. From her Father, through the manservant Tobe, to Homer Barron, all her life was dependent on men. In this story I will be discussing how fear can make indivuals due senseless things. As can be seen Emily had a hard life. Everything that she loved left her. After her fathers death she …show more content…

Feeling that if she could not have him alive she thought she could keep him with her if he were dead and she did. Because of her seclusion, no one really knew just how bad it was. Not until her death did, the truth comes out about Homer’s death. The “Rose” for Emily, Faulkner talks about in the title of this fictitious story could be found in the tomb like bedroom she created, which wasn’t found till Emily’s death. “Upon the valance curtains of faded rose color, upon the rose-shaded light.”(322). These roses colored items gave the room an artificial rose like color. The cliché “as seen through rose colored glasses” comes to mind. Homer dead, all those years, among the rose colored room. He was also cast with the rose color about the room. Everything in this room was Emily’s rose, locked away for keeping, so she would not be left

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