Faustian Bargain Research Paper

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Faustian Bargain Many people hear of making a deal with the devil, but never know the correct term. A “Faustian Bargain” is making a deal with the devil that under no circumstances, including death, can be broken. Each person on earth has a soul. Throughout time people have relinquished their soul to the devil for what they most desire. This “deal” does not guarantee the amount of time left for the person giving up their soul. Is it worth the rest of time in hell, to get what is desired while we are on Earth? The concept of the “Faustian Bargain” hails from Faust, a medieval scholar who conjured the devil to ask for supreme knowledge and pleasure because he was not satisfied with the knowledge he already acquired through his studies. In the commitment, Faust gave his soul to devil more knowledge, agreeing to spend eternity in hell. His deal with the devil was endorsed in blood and from then on Faust had 24 years to …show more content…

Faust got what he wanted but was limited to 24 years of life. The devil is known for being deceitful and shady. That means a person gets what they want, but it may not be what they expect. Tricks and lies are used to make them think it is what they want when it is just a preview of what hell will be. All deals are irreversible. So when one realizes it is not what they bargained for and try to rescind their deal but they can not. Each deal is sealed with blood. In this century, a “Faustian Bargain” can be used to gain power, money, or fame. In our society “fame” seems to be a common dream. We glorify actors and actresses who appear to exist in a fantasy of reality. Instead of seeing the beauty of normalcy in our lives, we search for a fantasy to model ourselves after. We elevate those who are financially and professionally successful as role models. Even the obviously corrupt are people we look to for guidance. But who says they have acquired the power they have without making a deal with the

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