Fast Plants Lab Report

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Fast Plants Lab
The fast plant seeds were planted in a terrarium and a variable was added to see what happened when the variable was added to compare the regular growth of plants without and with the variable. There was a land part of the terrarium where the fast plant seeds were planted and a bottom part where there was water which was to water the plants through a rope. The plants without the variable grew pretty quickly and almost always grew up. The one time their average dropped was because one of the plants’ necks got snapped which dropped the plant from 13.5cm to 10 cm causing the average to drop from 11.3cm to 10.5cm. The fast plants grew pretty steadily and the final average height was 19.5 cm. The variable that got put into the …show more content…

With sugar the plants grew as much as the plants without the variable consistently. With sugar some of the plants shrunk a little bit while others grew way bigger than they were before. One of our plants grew 7 cm over one period of time while another one of our plants shrunk 2.5cm at once. At 19 days the plants average height with sugar was 10.2 cm while the normal plants grew to 16 cm in 19 days. I think this is partially due to the slow start the normal plants had before we added in sugar as a variable. The plants stayed at the 1 cm range for 2-3 days before finally hitting 2.3 cm. When we finally did add sugar our plants shot up and the average height went from 2cm to 5cm and the plants started growing at a normal rate. Another reason why the plants could have grown so slowly was because of the sugar. The sugar made the plants grow fast for 4-6 days, but it also slowly started killing the plants. This explains why some of the plants started shrinking when we added sugar as a variable. While some of the plants shrunk when we added sugar, some of our plants grew 7 cm at a time, 6cm at a time. The leaves of our plants also wilted and died. Most of our plants are wilting as well which could be because sugar affects the roots of the plants and prevents them from growing well for

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