Fast Food To Blame For Obesity Essay

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Is the Dollar Menu and Fast Food to Blame for Obesity? Throughout the world today, so many people are suffering from obesity because of constant unhealthy choices in their diet. It is a growing problem for people of all ages. According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey of 2009-2010, “More than 1 in 3 adults are considered to be obese” (Overweight and Obesity Statistics). However, this isn’t only a problem for adults but it also a growing problem in children and adolescents. “More than 1 in 6 children and adolescents ages 6 to 19 are considered to be obese” (Overweight and Obesity Statistics). Part of the reason that obesity has become a huge problem in the American society today is because of the easy access to fast foods. …show more content…

Back in August 2002, the McDonald’s Corporation was taken to court by a group of overweight children. They were “seeking compensation for obesity related health problems, improved nutritional labeling of McDonald’s products, and funding for a program to educate consumers about the dangers of fast food” (Mello et al. 207). The ads of numerous McDonald’s products are quite deceiving. Various consumers don’t actually know what they’re eating on a daily basis. Manufacturers often try to hide the truth behind their products. However, “Under state consumer protection laws, manufacturers and retailers cannot induce consumers to buy their products through deceptive or misleading means” (Mello et al. 210). If consumers knew what they were actually eating, would they continue to buy these fast food products as often as they do without knowing? With that being said, fast food chains break this law continuously with each advertisement they share with the world. When comparing a Big Mac on a McDonald’s food ad with the Big Mac you receive on your way out the drive-thru, there is a huge difference. The picture shows a juicy patty and fresh lettuce, while the burger in your hand looks sad and disappointing. Either way, there is still no telling where the food comes from and how it is made. That alone leads to obesity because people aren’t told the truth about …show more content…

When you drive around the town, how many fast food restaurants do you see? How many super markets do you see? In 2013, there were approximately “232,611 establishments in the US fast food industry” (Establishments). Meanwhile only “approximately 35,600 supermarkets were in operation in 2009” (Reinvestment Fund). These statistics show that there are much more fast food restaurants available to consumers around the country than there are supermarkets. A study comparing the availability of fruits and vegetables and fast food outlets shows that “residents in deprived neighborhoods are more likely to be exposed to energy-dense foods available at convenience stores and fast food outlets (FFO) while having poor access to supermarkets offering healthier foods” (Mercille et al. par 1). Because of the cheapness of their products, fast food outlets tend to place their restaurants in communities where the people tend to make smaller amounts of money, while supermarkets selling fresh fruits and vegetables are scarce. This shows that fast food chains are easily accessible so consumers have an easier time deciding where and what to

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