Farley Mowat's Lost In The Barrens

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The title of my book is Lost in the Barrens. It is a fictional book by Farley Mowat that contains 244 pages. The main characters are Jamie MacNair, Awasin Meewasin, Angus MacNair, Alphonse Meewasin, Danikazi and Peetyuk Anderson. Jamie and Awasin are the biggest characters in the book. Jamie MacNair is a European that is 15 years old. He was at at boarding school because his parents sadly passed away in a car crash so he was living of off his trust fun. He had to move to his uncle's where he met Awasin and they went on quite the adventure for 4-5 months. Awasin Meewasin was a Cree who went to a residential school. He was set to go on an adventure with his father and a little of his tribe and there was a big twist in what was going to happen. Angus MacNair was the uncle of Jamie. He was a trapper who had to watch his nephew, but let's just say he didn't have to for about 5 months. Alphones Meewasin was the father of Awasin. Denikazi is the leader of the woodland Cree. He took the boys on the adventure up north. Peetyuk in an Eskimo who helped the boys get back to their homes. …show more content…

When the leader of the woodland Cree Denikazi come’s to Uncles Angus’s house to ask for help t get food for his people Uncle Angus tells Denikazi that Jamie would come on the adventure. When Denikazi tells the boys they can’t come with them any further they have to stay there with two of his people Jamie thinks that it would be a good idea to go up to the stone house with only Awasin. When the are almost at the house they get got in some rapids it does not end well. The boys know that they will not be able to get back before winter so they start preparing by getting food and building a home for the winter.The boys find a home of a Eskimo on the hunt for his father and he helps them get back to their

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