Farewell To Manzanar

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What does prejudice and discrimination mean? Prejudice means to prejudge someone and having opinions on different people while discrimination is actions and treating a certain group of people differently. Farewell to Manzanar was written based on long-term events that included discrimination and the events can help with understanding what prejudice and discrimination was and how it is not good. In Farewell to Manzanar three events that happened was the Japanese people getting relocated, Jeanne was seen differently at her school because of her race, and Jeanne not being able to do certain activities and only being able to do a few that would accept her. When the Japanese got forced to leave their homes and relocate, that would be an example of …show more content…

Many of the Japanese were innocent, but they did not have a choice. Another thing that happened in Farewell to Manazanar that had to do with discrimination was when Jeanne was in school. When Jeanne was in school right before she got sent to Manzanar, Jeanne was always scared because she would be different then the other kids. In Farewell to Manzanar chapter two, Jeanne transferred from Ocean Park to Boyle Heights on Terminal Island. In Boyle Heights, she had to deal with the teacher not helping her out and wanted nothing to do with Jeanne because the feelings toward the Japanese were changing fast. When the peoples' emotions towards the Japanese were changing it was not changing for the better it was slowly getting worse. After she returned to public school after getting released from the camp, Jeanne was still scared of going back because of the racism. In Farewell to Manzanar chapter 20 Jeanne returned and she was mostly invisible because of her race. The other kids were surprised when she was able to speak some

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