What Is Family Homelessness?

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One of the prevalent problems that distract the student’s ability to learn and develop skills that are required to graduate high school is family homelessness. According to the state center for homeless families, 1 out of 45 children in the US are homeless that averagely 1.6 children are homeless every year. There are a variety of factors that cause family homelessness they include domestic violence, lack of affordable housing, decreasing government supports, lack of social support, or the challenges of raising children alone (Stetser, & Stillwell, 2014). According to the national center on family homelessness, many students who are homeless lack the school supplies that are core and they also lack an environment that is comfortable to do their homework. Also, in the lives of homeless students, violence can often play a significant role because according to the study, almost 25% of children have witnessed violence in their homes. There is a very high likelihood of children who have seen the violence exhibit antisocial behavior, anxiety and high levels of depression when compared to those who have …show more content…

Students who are homeless are twice as likely as non-homeless students to have to be expelled, drop out of high school, or repeat a grade. Many high school dropouts not only have household as a disadvantage, but they also drop out of school at a rate of 36% due to physical or learning disabilities (Aratani, & Cooper, 2015). Some of the behaviors that are more common among the school dropouts include relocating during the high school years, generate a sensation of feeling alienated one feels like a student who does not fit the mold of the classroom, or one who waits behind because of some reason. It makes the student loose motivation and, therefore, give up finally and then decide to drop out of

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