Family Expectations Vs Reality

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Expectations vs. Reality
Family is one of the greatest treasures we have in our lives when the world is against us, the ones who stand with us, the ones that take care of you when you’re sick, and the ones that truly do love you in this world. As a child, I knew what my family was however, I was no more than a spectator at a play, watching this beautiful presentation with no knowledge of all the work that goes into creating it or everything involved in order to keep it going. So, my younger years are filled with amazing times with my family, these late nights of being on the deck of my grandparent’s home. All the adults drinking and speaking of adult things while the children are all in the pool having a grand time, with the biggest worry being …show more content…

It wasn’t until Thanksgiving 2014 that I began to see the picture of what my family now was. Should I even call it Thanksgiving? It was my core family and my grandfather. No aunts & uncles, no cousins. No kids table. Years prior, I’d have given anything to sit at the adult table with the adults. Now, I’d give anything to go and sit at that kids table once again.
Christmas came along and it was just my core family, no going over to 110 Maurice Ave. No listening to adults tell stories. No big Christmas dinner, all of that had gone away. All of it had moved on just like my Grandmother.
This summer was the final realization of my family being gone. My favorite aunt and cousins usually came down every summer in July as I have written of prior, this year however, her statement was “I have nothing left at 110 Maurice Avenue.” That hurt so much; it was reality, like a judge convicting my expectations with the sentence of realism. The true final realization was when my Grandfather sold the pool. That pool was the monument of our family. The huge piece of those summer nights from years ago. That pool was where the kids were, where I was. Now all that sits is a sand pit with a deck around it, a “modern ruin” of the way things were. A final knife in the heart of the things that will never again

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