Diversity in Law: A Personal Journey

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Diversity – A Wide Range
Being passionate with helping families in need can be a challenge for most, however, it is not a challenge for me. Through my extensive personal experiences in the workforce and the time I have dedicated to philanthropic organizations that help families, I have an unbreakable determination to tackle complex family situations. Since the beginning of my journey to becoming a family lawyer, I believe I have two of the greatest traits working in my favor; being a strong female raised in a family of solid values and being African-American.
After enrolling at McNeese State University in 2010, I dreamed of attending law school one day, but was unsure about applying. With the completion of my “Communications Law” class, my …show more content…

In particular, my family faced a financial hardship in 2012 when my dad was let go from his job due to cut backs in his office. This valley eventually became a hill, but it took time, almost 4 years. My dad had to relocate to various states over the course of four years to find work in his field, whether it was two hours or ten plus hours away. His determination to do whatever was necessary to provide for his family, gave me a greater appreciation for overcoming life’s obstacles. It is because of these values I was taught growing up that I have been able to push through and succeed. My family values, work ethic, and personal experiences have allowed me as an individual to reach out to others and teach them such responsibilities. Through pageantry I have enjoyed working with ladies of all ages, ethnicities, and cultures to develop the best them they can be. From interview coaching to teaching them to walk with confidence no matter the situation, reaching out to others on various occasions is routed deep within me and has help shape me into the person I am today, along with my family. Becoming a responsible employee at the age of 17, I have learned that all things are possible when you stay focused, work hard, and push yourself beyond the limits to accomplish goals in

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