Family Determination Research Paper

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My family all have good characteristics in common, but one that interests me is determination. Every challenge that was thrown at my family was met by determination, determination to jump over the obstacles that kept us from meeting our goals. Samuel McPherson,my great grandfather, Allison Black, my mother, and Mary Sue Reid Lindsay, my great grandmother all overcame great odds. One day, I want to be as determind as them.
My great grandfather, Samuel McPherson, has been determined in the toughest situations, many people that would have cracked under the pressure. He was away from his family for a very long time. When he was a child, he moved to Vienna, Austria for a year while his father was learning how to be a surgeon. He showed determination …show more content…

Allison Black was born in Volga, South Dakota in 1983, she had one sister, her mother was Elizabeth Crabtree and her dad was John Crabtree. When she was 11 she moved Minneapolis, MN but, her father lived in North Dakota! When she was 15 he committed suicide and her stepmother hid the will and gave them one hour to go through his house. All she got was a t-shirt. She showed determination by still being happy and trying her best in school because she knew that is what he would have wanted. Freshman year, some girls threatened to beat her up because of a boy problem she thought that was quite stupid. She knew they would beat her up, and everyday she was afraid to go home because it was a six mile walk and they could attack her at any point. Sophomore year, she went to an alternative school and really could not learn much because they only had school for four hours and all year they just watched movies and wrote small papers. The next year she knew her only option was to drop out or put herself back in danger. She got her GED and went to Augsburg University just like her mom and her sister at age 17! There, she meet my father and they had a baby; this glorious baby was me, Ashlyn Browne. She was even more determined to get a degree and have a career. I think a quote that best describes my mom is “Look in the mirror, that's your competition.” - Unknown because she was her own …show more content…

I think I show determination like all of my family. One way is when my father moved to Charlotte because it was like losing someone who would always fight for me, but I knew that he still would no matter where he lived. I knew I had to act normal and keep my parents proud. Another way is when I was diagnosed with ADHD. It was hard because word got out and I was made fun of; people would say things like: “Don’t you have a butterfly to chase?” Also, my grades would drop and so would my self esteem, I had to get lots of extra help. I also showed determination when I had to find a new home for my dog. This was hard because I’ve had him since I was six years old, but I had to learn to keep his best interest in mind and realize he wasn’t happy where he was. We took him to 2 homes that didn’t work out, and finally, the third worked. Sadly, it was in Ohio, so I had to learn to let him go and be happy. I think a quote that best describes me is, “Stay strong and be unbroken” because I feel like I have done both of these things in my challenges and I don’t intend to

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