False Mindset Of Equality In Ted Kaczynski's

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The Feminist undertaking has taken this nation by storm ever since the 1970s. Feminists make the claim that they have been seeking equality, but the reality is that equality simply does not exist. Ill-minded individuals go on exuberant quests to achieve a false mindset known as “equality”. Speaking in terms of both genetics and socio-economic background; individuals who benefit from such backgrounds possess numerous advantages compared to those who do not not benefit from hailing from such illustrious backgrounds (either genetically or socially). Truly, the only way to achieve realistic equality would be to implement a state of communism and utilize genetic engineering in order to literally make everyone equal. The problem is that this idea resides in a vacuum. Through this false mindset of gaining equality, feminists (in the past) have been known to take extraordinary measures in order to achieve this false mindset of equality. Some have even gone as far as saying that equality cannot exist until the …show more content…

But what specifically leads one to such radical ideas, and eventually radical actions? In Ted Kaczynski's case he was deceived in participating in subjecting himself to a series of purposely brutalizing psychological experiments, that lead him to a hating of technology, so a case can be made that he acted out of brainwashing (Chase). However, Kaczynski openly decided to stop teaching at Berkeley and become a revolutionary. In the case of Alpert, she had been convinced that society was only misogynistic women haters. She was not brainwashed, she came across radicalism on her own, she came to the “realization”. The fact of the matter is that either individual was ultimately willing to commit audacious acts. It does not matter whether or not one of them was brainwashed, but the fact they were willing to do such a

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