False In The Crucible

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False. Evidence. Appearing. Real. F.E.A.R has a tremendous role in The Crucible which takes place in the Massachusetts Bay Colony during the time of the Salem Witch Trials. In the beginning of the play Reverend Parris saw his daughter, Betty, and Tituba, Abigail, and others dancing in the woods, which is permitted. Later his daughter Betty becomes unresponsive with no signs of sickness. Parris starts to question Abigail about what the girls were really doing in the woods in the middle of the night. The citizens of Salem are saying it’s witchcraft. Abigail eventually lies and blames Tituba. Tituba was being questioned and whipped, and would be hanged if she didn’t confess to practicing witchcraft. Out of fear she felt the easiest way out would …show more content…

about the other things, and I will come to you in the black of some terrible night and I will bring a pointy reckoning that will shudder you” (Abigail p. 20). Abigail is fearful that the people in Salem will learn the truth about what she has done. She doesn’t want the truth to come out, “blackening” her name, and she threatens those who were with her, telling them she will kill them if they tell. The girls are terrified for their lives so they follow Abigail’s lead. In the play every person has fears, leading them to lie and then the truth stays hidden. The counsel was panicky, feeling that if Abigail and the girls had lied, then the counsel had hanged innocent people and would be discredited. In the beginning of the play the counsel was blinded by fear that witches were real. It closed the character’s eyes to the fact that the girls were being untruthful. In distress the counsel decided to encourage a man named John Proctor to confess to witchcraft in order to avoid hanging. They hoped to save John Proctor, but still save the reputation of the counsel. John Proctor refused to lie and another innocent life was lost to fear. The actions of many of the characters were controlled by their fear of what others might think of them or what terrifying things could happen to

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