Fake News Credible

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Why fake news is credible for people Fake news otherwise known as hoax news is the term given to information that is false and which has been published in the guise of being authentic news. Websites and channels that post this kind of news push the news with the aim of misleading consumers. Fake news is known to spread in social media and through the use of word of mouth. Communication analysts are of the opinion that fake news is ‘stuff that is made-up ‘The news is well tailored and skillfully manipulated to appear like news that is credible, but which get to be identified as hoax news later on (Allcott & Gentzkow, 2017). Today people do not get satisfied by watching a single news bulletin. In the world of today, there is so much news out …show more content…

When a lie gets repeated, it gets to appear more plausible to many people. In this world of social media, lies get to spread a lot and in many channels. Since a lie may be repeated in so many places, there is no doubt that it will turn out be true as people will claim that it is true. People get subjected to illusory truth effect no matter of how they know of the subject being discussed. When there is a correction of the fake news with the right information, people will still get to remember the misinformation that was there. This is attributed to the fact that the fake news is more exciting and surprising and the correction that has been made cannot be remembered (Bitecofer, 2018). An expert in psychology at Washington University in St. Louis supported the fact that people tend to hold on to fake news more rather than sticking to what is …show more content…

The report has gone further to look at factors that make people believe in fake news. Peer pressure, the need for people to satisfy their feelings and the repetition of a lie. All these are factors that have been highlighted in the article that make people believe in fake news. Despite the spread of fake news, communication experts believe that there are ways of making people not to believe in fake news. People should be encouraged to look at the source of information. Formal news sources like ABC News and Washington Post rarely have fake news. Readers should be wary of bogus news websites (Peters,2017). Checking the wording on headlines is the other thing that should be looked at by an audience. Many headlines are just ‘clickbait’ to get the attention of readers. When a headline is very outrageous, it should be reconsidered. Through following such steps, then consumers of news will not be lured to fake news and accepting

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