Fake It Till You Make It Essay

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In some cases, I think the judgement of teenagers in this generation can be true. A lot of teenagers can be very lazy, greedy, and not have the will to work. There are also many teenagers who believe that hard work is a key detail to going far in life. Every new generation will have a stereotype for their teenagers as a whole and as of right now, it is that they are lazy and greedy. Of course there are teenagers out there who do not want to work and still wish to be successful in life. Some teenagers have the mentality of "fake it till you make it". In this case, they are faking their work ethic in hopes of success. It was said in the article, "Past studies by Twenge and her colleagues have shown a generational divide in the value of work: younger generations value leisure time more than their elders." These …show more content…

With teenagers being on their phones all the time, they tend to get easily distracted. They can be sitting on their phones for hours and not even realize what time it is until it is 11:30pm and they have not opened their backpacks yet. Then, they start to panic because now they will be up for another two or three hours scrambling to get their work done. Because of this procrastination, this will lead them to asking friends for homework answers, sleep deprivation, and a habit of just trying to get by in life. Aside from teenagers trying to take the easy way out, there are many teens who want to work hard and know that this is the way to being successful. Teenagers views of working hard or just getting by can also be a reflection of what they were taught. Obviously, that is not always the case. My parents always taught me that a good work ethic and working hard for what you want will eventually lead to success. You have to work hard in school to get into a good college. That then will eventually lead you to having a job and making a living for

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