Faith is Never Easy

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Everyone has a time in their life when they struggle. In “A Fable with Slips of White Paper Spilling from the Pockets,” the characters struggle with ordinary problems and pray just like normal. A man finds an overcoat that belongs to God and he answers prayers or tries to. The character in the story doubts himself, but when he lost the overcoat he realized that he did not know what to do without it. In the story, Brockmeier creates magic realism to create a symbol of faith. The author shows that faith is never easy by using a symbol of faith, magical elements, and realistic characteristics. A moral lesson is created from the symbol of the coat. The coat represents faith and how faith is not easy, but it makes life richer. In the story, Kevin Brockmeier says, “He found a slip of paper reading, The only thing I’m asking is that you give my Cindy another few years” (261). The slips of paper were prayers of people who are struggling or some that just needed to pray. Faith is magical in all of us. The coat symbolizes faith which creates a theme for the story. The author explains, “It ha...

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