Failure In The Criminal Investigation Process

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Investigation Failures in the criminal investigation process are common within the criminal justice system. These can jeopardize a trial or cause miscarriage of justice, which is evident in the OJ Simpson trial. Investigation failure and improper handling of evidence, played an essential role in relation to the outcome of the trial. United Nations (2009), highlights that evidence provides best prospects and reliable information about an incident under investigation when is handled properly. Moreover, the article also indicates that evidence in investigation processes can be inadmissible if chain of custody is not maintained properly. Improper handling of evidence is illustrated in the OJ Case. Separate pieces of evidence were bagged together which caused evidence to be contaminated by other items of evidence, thus making it invalid for the investigation crime museum (2014).
Police mismanagement: Fundamental mistakes were made in securing the crime scene. Officers at the scene failed to secure and prevent unnecessary access. For instance, there were 18 officers at the scene all at one according to Safgate (1995). Simpson’s interview was also a failure, because police failed to to conduct an analytical effective interview. He also failed to initially explain the cause of …show more content…

Moreover, photographs taken from the scene were not labelled or tagged properly, and this made it difficult for investigators to link these photographs to specific areas at the crime scene, and therefore they were deemed irrelevant for the trial. An article released by the New York Times (1994), also found that expert witnesses who testified before the court concluded that evidence was indeed

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