Fahrenheit 451 Alternate Ending Essay

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Yes, thought Montag that’s the one I’ll save for later. For noon… When we reach the city. The warmth of the sheer rays from the sun wake Montag. His eyes slowly open and it takes his body a minute to get adjusted to his surroundings. He can feel the coarse grass on his face as he lies motionless in an unfamiliar place. His muscles begin to contract and he moves around in the grass. As he becomes more consciously aware, the peace and serenity that he was feeling fades away, and reality sinks in. The memories of the murder of Beatty, the friendship with Faber, the nonexistent love with Mildred, and the obliteration of his city all flood his brain. There he lies fully aware but motionless and numb to the world. His memories …show more content…

Montag collects himself enough to start walking towards the city as he represses all those memories of despair and hurt. He takes one last look behind him to fully release all that has happened. He then begins to run to the wondrous city. Montag feels an intense force go through his body as he crosses the mysterious, cloudy vortex. All around him are people who are radiating with delight, naiveness, and innocence. He looks to the left and pauses, “She is reading” Montag …show more content…

Clarisse shares with Montag that her entire family was almost killed by the government for knowing too much. The government said we were a threat to society and needed to be eliminated. Clarisse’s Uncle was very educated and knew the things they had to do in order to live. They then escaped in the night, but the government did not seem to care. The government then tried to cover it up by saying that she got hit by a car. Clarisse’s family then made it to the same intellects that Montag had been with, and they directed them to the city. Their family then reached the city, where Montag is now. They realized that books were allowed and accepted in that society, and have been living there for the ever since. About three hours go by of Clarisse pouring her brain out to Montag, and finally they look around and see that it is nighttime. The two of them gaze at the stars and let out a small

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