Factors Causing House Prices to Rise

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Factors Causing House Prices to Rise

Is a Boom in the Housing Market Beneficial?

Generally speaking, over the past 10 or so years, prices in the

housing market have been rising. Between 1985 and 1989 the housing

market was rising at a rapid rate, with two consecutive years having a

20% increase on the previous year. However, 1990 saw an incredibly

large decline in the prices in the housing market, percentage change

went from a 35% increase on the previous year to 0%. Between 1990 and

1995 house prices were no longer rising. This changed again in 1995

and house prices are rising again. Many of the years have experienced

a percentage increase on the previous year, although there are years

when house prices rise only at a slower rate. The year 2000 had a 15%

increase on the previous year, however 2001 decreased to an increase

of 5%. Although the percentage has decreased by 10%, prices are still

rising at a percentage of 5%. For example if a house were valued at

£200,000 in 1999, by 2000 it would be worth £230,000, a difference of

£30,000 because of a 15% increase. In 2001, the house would be worth

£241,500, a difference of £11,500 because there was only a 5%


House prices are simply increasing due to an increase in demand.

However, an increase in demand is caused by a number of factors. The

first is due to decreased interest rates. With less extra money people

have to re-pay to the loan companies, the amount of new borrowing will

undoubtedly increase. Young couples especially are going to borrow

from new loans, due to their lack of finances. An increase in

borrowing means more people have an increased access to money in the

form of mortgages. Therefore demand for housing will increase due to

this increase. Also additional borrowing onto an existing sum of

borrowed money has increased, as people are borrowing against the

rising value of their homes. Like house prices, mortgage equity

withdrawal is increasing. Between two different periods in 2000 alone,

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