Enhancing Leadership Skills through FCCLA

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FCCLA takes leadership to the next level Not many teenagers know what FCCLA is, They think it's just a way to get better at public speaking and to create leadership. FCCLA services that are offered to educate students individually as a group. Public speaking is a major part of today's economy.If someone can't speak in front of a large group, it will be difficult to part take in today's economy. Leadership takes a lot of responsibility and confidence. Many people that are out there in the world is too afraid or embarrassed to go out and speak up for groups or just your family or just they don't even know where to start with speaking out and being a leader. With FCCLA this program offers students and even parents to accomplish their goals …show more content…

FCCLA has a big positive effect on people that join.For the education part fccla offers many scholarships. By being recognized for outstanding leadership, academic excellence and even many hours of community service to show that you have a flexible schedule and that you really care about your community. It's hard to get a scholarship if you don't have any leadership skills because there is 160,000 members nationwide including puerto rico and the virgin island and about 5,400 schools, If you try hard enough to you could get the scholarship by being a leader and getting involved in your community. Without FCCLA we wouldn't have students know the fundamentals of leadership. Some small schools do not have an organization that provides leadership and personal growth, some schools may not have enough money to provide this luxury. Some schools do not have enough people to start a chapter because the students doesn't think that FCCLA is important in the world. We could fix this problem by recruiting middle schoolers and freshman by doing more community events in your community to get them to see how much it is really about and how it isn't strict and not very

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