Extremely Loud And Incredibly Close Critical Essay

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The biggest lessons in “Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close” is; grief, love, family, and communication. Throughout the novel there were three main characters that learn these lessons from their conflicts that affect them. After the tragic event of September 11th 2001, the story follows Oskar who wants to seek answers about his father after his death. Death is one of the hardest conflicts to get over. Along with death comes with grief, this dynamic duo ruins lives, motivation, and emotional wellbeings. Throughout the novel the three main characters being; Oskar, Oskar’s grandma and grandpa, all having to deal with grief after the death of Oskar’s father. Grief becomes one of the main obstacles the characters tries to overcome. Grief centers around Oskar, his obsession with the death of his father gradually increase, and he fights the illogical reasoning of death. Through grief, the characters learn to love again. After his father’s death, Oskar becomes imprisoned with his emotions not being able to express them normally. Oskar’s grandparents also had troubles expressing their emotions, they created “nothing places” where one of them could be alone with their own thoughts and not be bothered. Their emotional imprisonment faded away their relationship towards each other, this also happened with Oskar and his mother. Oskar …show more content…

The death of Oskar’s father influences everyone in his family, this includes Oskar’s Grandparents, his mother, and especially Oskar himself. The whole family grieves over the death, and seem to fall apart. Oskar had a fear that his mother didn’t love his father and thought she forgot about him, she had a friend named Ron that Oskar resented and used him as a scapegoat for his problems. However Oskar finds peace between his mother and learns important family lessons, and also his grandparents become more involved into his

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