Extracurricular Activities Mandatory

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Our principal is pondering about making extracurricular activities mandatory. Meaning everyone in the school must participate in some sort of extra activity after school. While many people agree, I personally disagree with the principal on this subject.

First of all, I disagree with the principal because middle and high school kids have lots of homework. We have a total of seven classes; three every other day and one daily. Say we have homework for at least three of those classes everyday, kids will not be able to get things done in time. If they also have to attend a mandatory extracurricular activity. The extra work and stress adds onto the already existing homework and projects. Stress is unhealthy for anybody especially teenagers who are still trying to figure out who they are. It may not look it, but it takes a lot of hard work to get everything turned in on time and still have time for to relax. The work that students do can be too much to handle at one time. Trying to deal with homework and extracurricular activities at …show more content…

Parents with many kids will not be able to transport their kids to different places at the same time. It can be quite the challenge just to get multiple kids out the door at the same time. Kids have many other things to do at school like making up work and socializing. Many kids have braces meaning they have many dentist appointments after or during school. Other kids also have random check ups throughout the year that are normally after or during school. Scheduling everything to be perfect is very difficult. With many out of school activities occurring it would be very hard to make are kids are at the right place at the right time. There may be unexpected events in a family's life such as sudden death or sickness or a car accident etc. These events will cause a disturbance in the normal schedule. Therefore kids may not be able to attend certain after school

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