Explain Why Giraffes Have Long Necks

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Title: Why do giraffes have long necks? Modern giraffes have long necks because their ancestors’ necks became longer as they stretched to reach leaves high in trees. (Allen, 2014) Scientific Conception Many people have come to believe overtime that animals change during their lifetime in order to adapt to their surroundings. For example, Allen explains, people may believe giraffes may have started with shorter necks and then over time, as they stretched further and further to get to the leaves and branches, their necks became longer (Allen, 2014). If this were repeated generation after generation, this would explain why giraffes now have very long necks. The example given above comes from the idea of Lamarckians, which is not looked …show more content…

The lesson would begin by having students look at the physical characteristics of different plants and animals. Once they do this they would be asked to link the characteristics to the animal or plants habitat. Then they would be able to find out why the characteristics may be necessary in order for the plants or animals to survive in their environment. Once the students do this, they can begin to look at the idea of natural selection and how it affects different plants and animals in their environment (Allen, 2014). For example, the giraffe’s necks were not stretched out over time, instead, the long neck giraffe’s are the ones that survived because they were able to adapt to their new environment and the short giraffes were not. In order to help students understand the wrong idea of Lamarck, which described how giraffe’s necks become longer because their ancestors stretched their necks, the students would first need to understand that genes cannot change from one giraffe to the next. When a new giraffe is born they receive the same genes as their parents, they cannot receive a trait from their parents if it is only due to a life event. This could be explained by giving them an example such as, if a baby’s mom and dad both have blonde hair but the mom colors her hair brown, the baby will not be born with brown hair, it will still have blonde hair because those are the parents genes. Once the student understands this idea, they can begin to understand the misconception that giraffe’s necks have become longer over time due to having to stretch higher in order to reach their

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