� Explain The Relationship Between HR Functions And Other Business Functions

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Explain the relationship between Human Resources (HR) functions and other business functions Human resources are like a secretary to the whole organisation. Whereas one team may just work with one other team, HR works with all teams. Human Resources ensure policies and training have been issued, thus ensuring the workforce is up to date with their efficiency and legal requirements. They gather the information such as personal information and CV’s required to hold interviews for new members of staff and will administrate such occasions if necessary. They also work closely with the team managers when dealing with disputes, personal development etc... Explain the purpose and process of workforce planning With good workforce planning, an HR department …show more content…

E.g, someone was in breach of not following a policy as advised, through HR, ensuring training has been given, ensures that the company's legal stature is correct, thus avoiding any unwelcome costs or court cases. Evaluate the implications for an organisation of utilising different types of employment contracts & Evaluate the implications for an individual of different types of employment contracts Different contracts such as permanent, temporary, part time, full time, sickness cover, all mean that the law affects these workers in different ways, so the HR department must make sure that all legislation is being followed no matter what contract the workers are on. This information must also be passed on to the various departments so that they know the various laws and legislation that relates to these workers. For an individual the different contracts mean that if they are used to receiving rights on a different contract, this may not apply if they are on a temporary contract for example compared to a permanent contract. This can be very confusing for all parties, and if not followed there can be serious implications, such as employees taking their employers to court facing

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