Exotic Animals Shouldn't be Pets

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Exotic Animals Are Dangerous
Exotic animals kill and injure people each year, and are very dangerous in the wrong conditions. The animals are kept in housing that doesn’t suit them, and are kept away from the other animals in its family. They aren’t fed their natural foods, don’t have proper sleeping conditions, and don’t have enough space. Exotic animals are animals that most people think shouldn't be kept because of a few reasons: they are dangerous, they need proper housing, and they aren’t very expensive to get, but are expensive to keep.

Exotic Animals are Dangerous
Exotic animals are dangerous, and can even be deadly. Out of the 1600 attacks by these animals, 75 of them have resulted in a human being killed (“Live”). Not only are these animals dangerous to humans, but keeping them as pets is dangerous to them aswell. Across the country, privately-held exotic animals held have escaped from their enclosures and have attacked humans and other animals — with sometimes fatal results (“Born”). Having exotic animals as pets, means taking them out of the wild, and having less in the wild. There are almost 7,000 known tigers being kept as pets (“Born”). That is over double the amount of tigers in the wild, listed at 3,200, being an all time low (“Live”). Most exotic animals also carry diseases, that can be harmful to humans. Many exotic animals are carriers of zoonotic diseases, such as Herpes B, Monkey Pox, and Salmonellosis, all of which are communicable to humans (“Born”). An estimated 90 percent of all reptiles carry and shed salmonella in their feces. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that 93,000 salmonella cases caused by exposure to reptiles are reported each year in the United States. As many as 90 percent ...

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...Exotics as Pets
It’s pretty obvious that exotic animals would make bad pets. The main three reasons they would are: they can kill and injure humans, humans can’t give them proper housing, and they are too easy to obtain. The animals have done enough harm to humans, and humans have done enough harm to them. Exotic pets arent even banned in some states where attacks have happened. People need to stand up, and get exotic animals banned from being pets!

Works Cited

BornFreeUSA. "Get The Facts:." The Dangers of Keeping Exotic “Pets”. Born Free USA, n.d. Web. 08 Dec. 2013.
Livescience. "Owning Wild Animals: Stats on Exotic Pets (Infographic)." LiveScience.com. Livescience, n.d. Web. 08 Dec. 2013.
PAWS. "Exotic Animals." PAWS. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Dec. 2013.
Toto, Christian. "Exotic Pets: Permits Differby State and Locality." Ebsco Host. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Dec. 2013.

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