Exemplification Essay: The Effects Of Addiction As A Disease

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Have you ever witnessed the effects of addiction? Do you ever wonder if an addiction is one’s choice or if it’s a horrible disease someone must live with? This is one of the most controversial subjects people have been discussing for decades because of the many different opinions. Most people feel addiction needs to be looked at as a disease because it will help those struggling with it feel more comfortable asking for help. Some even say the addicts will feel less ashamed of themselves if they feel that what they’re going through isn’t their fault. The only problem with the opinion that addiction is a disease is the fact that it absolutely is the user’s fault he or she is going through what they are. There is no reason to label addiction …show more content…

Although the usage of drugs and alcohol is destructive and careless, it is still a personal choice. There is no classification as to who is or will become an addict. The rich, the poor, bad people, good people, weak people, nice people all can be affected by this life changing activity. Labeling people with addictions is unfair to those who have an actual disease he or she cannot change and made no choice to withhold. People who are addicted need to take responsibility for their actions and not search for an excuse as to why they did it. An addict chose his or her own path when they made the choice to pick up the drugs or alcohol, no one forced them or chose that lifestyle for them. Those who successfully underwent rehabilitation or got themselves into a treatment center also did so by making a choice, a choice to better themselves as people. As soon as society makes it known that drug addiction is a choice and it’s not a compelling extortion holding the addict back from stopping is when perhaps addicts will take accountability for their actions. However, until more research is done and it is proven that addicts can’t help but to abuse drugs or alcohol the viewpoint that addiction is nothing but a choice the abuser consciously makes will

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