Executive Privilege In American History Essay

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Throughout American History, executive order has played numerous roles in setting up the way the government functions. Executive order began in 1907 by the department of state, which assigned numbers to all the orders. However, executive privilege has negatively impacted the United States due to United States vs. Nixon, Obama signing the “fast and furious” executive order, and the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal. Executive privilege is an implied power within the constitution that enables presidents and high-level executive branch officers to withhold information from congress, the courts, but most importantly, the public. The Watergate scandal was a major political scandal that occurred in the United States in the 1970s, however this was no ordinary …show more content…

Between 52 year old president, Bill Clinton and 25 year old unpaid intern, Monica Lewinsky. Clinton and Lewinsky began initiating in sexual affairs the same year she entered the white house, she later moves into a paid position within the oval office that same year. In addition, within that year Lewinsky was moved to work in the pentagon due to “inappropriate and immature behavior”. As the time had progressed she shared her affair with Clinton to her fellow colleague in the pentagon, Linda Tripp. This let Tripp to taping all of the conversations she had had with Lewinsky, which would be used against her in court. During a televised speech Clinton denied any initiation with Lewinsky by stating, “I did not have sexual relations with that woman”, however further investigation led to charges of perjury, which led to the impeachment of Clinton by the U.S house of Representatives and his and was charges for accounts of perjury and obstruction of justice, taking part in a 21 day trial. Now that the story has been told, you can understand Clinton’s use of Executive privilege. The Clinton invoked the use of executive privilege fourteen times, however he was the first president since Nixon to assert executive privilege and lose in court when a federal judge ruled that Clinton aides could be called to testify in the scandal. Nonetheless, the Clinton administration made

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