Examples Of Snow White Gender Stereotypes

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Movie Review Assignment The movie that I decided to critique, in search of possible inequalities, was Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. The movie began in a kingdom where a queen gave birth to a beautiful girl: Snow White. Her mother passed away pushing her father to remarry, this time to an evil witch. This witch considered herself to be prettier than all else (conceited much?) and possessed a mirror that told her just that. Things are just fine in her state of delusions until the mirror announces that Snow White is the prettiest, causing jealousy and leading to the stepmother ordering for her to die. Snow White eventually escaped and found herself in a house occupied by seven dwarfs, who accepted her because of her willingness to cook and …show more content…

As Karl Marx predicted, this lead to the stepmom’s failure and eventual death. Onward, gender inequality on both sides of the spectrum was portrayed through Snow White’s interactions with the dwarfs. Because she was a woman, her duty was to cook and clean, and because the dwarfs were men their duties were to do whatever they wanted. This stereotype displayed gender roles in a household where one woman was in charge of tasks that seven men could’ve easily contributed to, despite their size. In the prince’s case, sexism was used in order to impose his will on the unsuspecting princess. Yes, the movie ended with them agreeing to get married, but he didn’t know that would be the result, he assumed the princess would like him back. Through sexism, the prince saw the princess as the lesser gender, disregarding consent. Or perhaps it wasn’t sexism, instead being false consciousness, which suggests the prince had an altered mindset that caused him to be ignorant to the injustice he committed for the sake of the greater good. Lastly, the prince’s social class could have led him to his decisions. Perhaps he realized that him being a prince would exempt him of the punishments of sexual

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