Examples Of Sexism In The Joy Luck Club

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Sexism and Gender Discrimination Tan explains the connections of four Chinese women that moved to San Francisco,after horrendous tragedies that occurred in their life and formed the Joy Luck Club for hope in The Joy Luck Club.The stories of Jing-Mei, Ying-Ying, An-Mei, and Lindo are told by memories of when they were younger girls.Their stories continue from their American-Chinese daughters. The relationships between them and their daughters, June, Lena, Rose, and Waverly, are demonstrated with the memories that were shared between the pair. She explores how gendered expectations affect each woman through sexism and gender discrimination. During An-Mei Hsu’s childhood, one of the mothers, she left with her mom to go live with a man, who practically forced her to be a …show more content…

She was forced to actually marry him at 16, but when she lived with them, she was used as a servant to them . “But even if I had known I was getting such a bad husband, I had no choice, now or later. That was how backward families in the country were…. So, Taiyuanese mothers continued to choose their daughters-in-law, ones who would raise proper sons, care for the old people, and faithfully sweep the family burial grounds long after the old ladies had gone to their graves” (Tan 51). When Lindo was a child, she was raised in a place where mothers would choose their sons’ wives, so that they were obedient to their family’s name and would aid for their son’s every want and need. It is limiting for women to be married off to a family in order to please the family since they have an higher status than her. This highlights how powerless women were in China compared to men since the man's family had a say for who he is to marry. Because of their life status, women were not expected to be great because of all the great

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