Examples Of Privacy Violations In 1984 By George Orwell

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Although you might believe you have your privacy within your home, you do not. Imagine the government being involved in all aspects of your life. The government has the ability to see all that is contained in your electronic devices. Government Agencies can see and hear everything that is going on without the owners of the devices knowing they are listening or watching. The privacy violations Americans experience today are similar to the privacy violations in 1984 because of television, electronic devices, and cameras. This has and will forever go on but the people will not have any knowledge of it, it will be in secret.
Throughout the novel, 1984, Orwell describes how the government controls everyone but the difference from today is that in 1984 it’s not hidden. They have screens everywhere (telescreen) with Big Brothers face, which gave you no privacy. In 1984 it shows, “any sound that Winston made above the level of a very low whisper, would be picked up… so long as he remained within the field of vision of the metal plaque commanded, he could be seen as well as heard” (Orwell. Page 3), this shows how Winston is unable to have privacy which also contains to everyone else around him. There are a few places where you are not watched but you have to be aware of your surrounds to …show more content…

“FBI said it has switched to unspecified commercial software to eavesdrop on computer traffic during investigation…” (Tyson, Page 84). This statements tells us on how we the people did not arrange for this. The government just went and provided us with tracking devices and we were told from the FBI the use was for investigation purposes. Which is very wrong, they use it to spy on us and see what we said. For example if we were to write anything about the president they would get an alert but that is not even a investigation they are just being part of our

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