Examples Of Pride In Oedipus Rex

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Good or Bad Pride? In the play Oedipus Rex written by Sophocles, Oedipus was faced with a fate that was hard to swallow; especially for his pride. When Oedipus told his people he could handle any information thrown about himself, it blinded him when his fate was revealed to him and he could not consume what was already planned out for him. Furthermore, when the oracle was given to him, Oedipus struggled to even believe that fate was even real or that the gods and goddess could even control mortals. By even doubting that fate or the gods were real, it revealed his inward pride. Moreover, when the oracle did come to pass, Oedipus blinded his physical eyes as a sign …show more content…

He lost everything that gave him worth all because of his pride. It had such a deep root in his heart, it grew later to the actions that destroyed his life. His fate was already very hard to accept for any person, but it was his prideful actions that cut deeper into every event. The Lord has already planned to bring down all pride gained from glory, and to humble those who are greatly known(Isaiah 23:9). Oedipus was no exception. He was an example of what pride can do to a man who does not humble himself and seek grace. Imagine what a difference the end of Oedipus Rex would have been if only Oedipus admitted his wrong and was humble. Only through what Jesus did on the cross, people all over the world have a chance to not end up alone and totally disgraced like Oedipus. Instead of selfish pride that only leads to heartache for that person and everyone around, God calls every person to be humble because it is him who guides humans steps. Have pride in what God can do and boast in his good works! Have pride in people who follow after God’s steps and who are selfless not selfish. Finally, Oedipus was a good example of how pride brings destruction in lives when the heart is not humble before God, and how people need to be prideful in God’s works only; not from selfish

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