Examples Of Perseverance In The Call Of The Wild

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Getting through life takes perseverance. In The Call of the Wild Buck struggles to survive the terrible events he goes through. In contrast, my dad had to use perseverance to get through his life and be okay when his mom died. However, Buck and my dad do have things in common. Perseverance is important when you face struggles in your life and you need to get through them. As a matter of fact, Buck struggles to survive the terrible and life-changing events he goes through throughout The Call of the Wild. For an example, Buck’s best friend Curly is killed in the beginning of the story. Buck missed Curly and was extremely sad and angry, but he didn’t know what he should do. Something good that happens is, Buck seeing and experiencing snow for the first time. He finds something good in a bad situation and finally starts to realize that life will go on. Buck starts to learn that in order for it to get better, he will have to move on. At the end of the story Buck goes into the forest and receives the “Call of the Wild.” He becomes a stronger dog and he is finally free. Generally speaking, Buck learns to move on and survive out in the wild. …show more content…

He was really sad when she died and he missed her a lot. In order to get through this tough time, my dad had to gain patience. He learned that things would get better later on in life. My dad had to move on and trust that everything would be okay. He had to move on with his life even if she wasn’t here anymore. My dad finally got to understand what the circle of life really meant and became a stronger and better person. He decided that you only have a number of days to live and you should enjoy them the most you can. After all, he moved on and understood how everything would be

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