Hatchet Quotes

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Name: Tori Hatchet Opinion Essay “ I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.” To be able to survive you need to have the ability to be the best you can be and adjust to the things around you. I believe that brian changed. He grew from his mistakes he made and things that he did right. He was a new person after his journey and took the traits he had gained and put them into reality. I believe that patience, perseverance and confidence are significant traits to obtain. There are many crucial traits to survival that stick with you forever. “ I am a slow walker but I never walk back.” Sometimes it takes time but you always want to get to the end. Even if things get in your way or something is hard, you never give up and you keep pushing forward. In my opinion, perseverance is an excessively essential trait to have in the case of survival. Shackleton needed to get out of the Ice to survive, he canoed for a severely long amount of time. It was very tiring and even so Shackleton didn’t give up. In the book Hatchet Brian needed a fire to survive. He kept trying but nothing seemed to be working, he never gave up and he just kept going. …show more content…

Whenever I say I can’t do something my dad always tells me if I say “I can't”, I really won’t be able to do it. You need to believe in yourself and always tell yourself “ You can do it”. Shackleton always told his crew that they could to it and to be confident. His crew and him had confidence, they knew they could survive and they did. In Hatchet at some times Brian told himself “I can’t do it” or “I can’t survive.” Soon brian realized that saying that was not going to do any good. He started saying “I can do it” and he had success with many

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