Examples Of Never Give Up In Frankenstein

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Jiaming Cao
Professor Robert Piluso
Never Give Up We all make mistakes, and we all make errors. It is a part of life, and it is a part of us. We should encourage ourselves to face the mistakes, try our best to fix the problems, and never give up. Skip downing Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein directed by Kenneth Branagh and the language of responsibility Prepared by Carla Rogers. When the creature keeps being kind what he has been doing even when it doesn’t work, he is acting as the victim. When Victor insists on creating the best results he can, he is acting as creator. Similar to Victor does in the movie, he encourages himself to face the problem and uses the problem as drives to do better. The most significant thing is …show more content…

In the movie, Victor’s mother dead because of dystocia. Both Victor and his father, they all fell inconsolable. Nevertheless, Victor meets the problem that is his mother’s death, he still encourages himself to face it. Victor uses his inconsolable emotion as his power to keep studying medicine. He chooses his way to the positive side; however, the creature chooses his way to the negative side. The creature always puts energy into negative which is to revenge Victor. In the movie.When a little boy who is very cute guy saw the creature in the forest, the little boy gets away from the creature because of the creature’s ugly appearance. Then the creature finds the little boy who gets away from him is Victor’s brother. When the creature faces this problem, he chooses to kill the little boy who is Victor’s brother. The creature chooses to escape from the problem,and he does not find the way to fix it like Victor …show more content…

In the movie,after Victor’s litter brother dead, Victor came to see the creature. When the creature saw Victor, he keeps blaming Victor just give him the emotion but does not teach him how to control emotion and how to use his emotion to make him become better. Like mentioned in the language of responsibility, “When victims complain, blame, and make excuses, they have little energy left over to solve their problems – then they get stuck.” When the creature met the problem which is he can not find the love, he just keeps complaining someone. The creature does not find his own way to fix his problem. However, Victor takes his responsibility by trying to fix the problem which is he created. Finally, Victor realized he creates a monster who is a dangerous person. Victor rejects to make the new rebirth man that the creature let him do. Victor does not afraid the creature, he tries his best to fight with the creature. Even if Victor’s family all dead, Victor still insists on the fight with the creature until he dead. Victor exhausted the rest of his life to make up for his own

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