Examples Of Moral Courage In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Moral Courage in To Kill a Mockingbird

A part of life is going through experiences that will make or break you depending on the choices you make. The choice may be to do the morally right thing or the “wrong” thing. If you’ve ever faced one of these situations: What have you done? If not, What will you do? Whatever your decision is, make sure it’s the correct one because it can change your life forever and that is exactly what happened in Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird. To Kill a Mockingbird is a novel that addresses racism and judgement in a small town and includes a plot and subplot. In both, you meet characters who have been put into positions in which they had to choose and this helped the theme of moral courage develop in the novel. In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee uses the conflicts the characters face and the characters themselves as individuals to portray this theme of moral courage. The first element that is used throughout the text is …show more content…

In To Kill a Mockingbird, characters with different personalitys but the same mindset are introducued constantly. However, there are a few who do not fit in that category. One of those characters is Scout, Atticus’ youngest child and Jjem’s younger sister. Scout may be physically described as a young child but with how her mind works and the person that she is you’d never believe how young she is. Scout is an example of doing the right thing because once she realized how the world actually was, she removed herself from the mindset that everyone else had.“I think there’s just one kind of folks. Folks.” This quote shows how Scout is portraying moral courage because she is basically saying, we are all the same. None of us are better and none of us are less and this is a morally courageous way to think because she lives in a town where everyone has the same racist mindset even after the Tom Robinson

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